Looking for presentation material from one of our Seminars or
Webinars? Presentations
Looking for articles we have written for various magazines?
The Seven Traditions of SSCA

1. We are a family with a Common Bond
2. We have a Commitment to the Cruising/Liveaboard Lifestyle
3. We always leave a Clean Wake
4. We share experiences in our Bulletin
5. Commodores Sponsor Future Commodores
6. We proudly fly our Burgee to identify each other
7. We are a Volunteer-Driven organization
more about SSCA
Read Sherry's blog about our
adventures in far away places. While there, check our
latest position update on the
Positions page and see our
Travel Photos.
Look at the charts and schedule in
Cruising Plans for updates on our planned route for 2024 and
See pictures of the the
new catamaran and Dave's recent improvements in the
Workshop section. Or
checkout the 18 years of Dave's improvement projects on our CSY in the
CSY Workshop section.
Get detailed travel information about places we have
been at
Inland Travel.
Go to some of our favorite
websites, including the best travel and hurricane weather info at
Links. Download some cruising guides and info we have to
share from our Files page.
Meet the permanent crew at
Dave & Sherry.