St Francis

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we Been?

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Proud members of

The Seven Seas
Cruising Association

Occ burgee
The Ocean Cruising Club


In these pages you will find the story of the sailing vessel Soggy Paws, her crew Sherry and Dave, and her trip around the world.

Soggy Paws is hoping to sail to the Red Sea/Med in 2026
Currently doing necessary boat work in Malaysia, and traveling by air to countries nearby.

Soggy Paws in Simulue, Sumatra, Indonesia, in 2024

The New Soggy Paws in the
Gulf of Davao, Philippines, August 2015

Where Are We Right Now?

more Soggy Paws photos

Not all who wander are lost...
- JRR Tolkien

Looking for our 'Cruising Guides'??

The Indonesia Compendium or
The Philippines Compendium or
The Micronesia Compendium or
Red Sea & Indian Ocean Compendia
Terry's Topics or
KAP and mbtiles Satellite Charts
The Marshall Islands Compendium
The Fiji-to-Marshalls Compendium
The Fiji Compendium
The Tonga Compendium
The Cooks and Samoas Compendium
The Societies Compendium
The Tuamotus Compendium
The Hawaii Compendium
The Marquesas Compendium
The Ecuador Cruiser's Guide
The old Lewmar Winch Manuals
(yeah, you get the idea)
See our Files page

Looking for presentation material from one of our Seminars or Webinars?   Presentations

Looking for articles we have written for various magazines?   Articles

The Seven Traditions of SSCA
1. We are a family with a Common Bond
2. We have a Commitment to the Cruising/Liveaboard Lifestyle
3. We always leave a Clean Wake
4. We share experiences in our Bulletin
5. Commodores Sponsor Future Commodores
6. We proudly fly our Burgee to identify each other
7. We are a Volunteer-Driven organization
more about SSCA

Read Sherry's blog about our adventures in far away places.  While there, check our latest position update on the Positions page and see our Travel Photos.

Look at the charts and schedule in Cruising Plans for updates on our planned route for 2024 and beyond.

See pictures of the the new catamaran and Dave's recent improvements in the Workshop section.  Or checkout the 18 years of Dave's improvement projects on our CSY in the CSY Workshop section. 

Get detailed travel information about places we have been at Inland Travel.

Go to some of our favorite websites, including the best travel and hurricane weather info at Links.  Download some cruising guides and info we have to share from our Files page.

Meet the permanent crew at Dave & Sherry.

Detailed Cruising Plans

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."   /)  /                      - Mark Twain

"You only grow old when regrets take the place of dreams"
                      - Seen on a bumper sticker

"Not all who wander are lost." - JRR Tolkien, the Fellowship of the Ring"

"Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it. But sail we must, and not drift, nor lie at anchor."     - Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Adventure before dementia" - on a fellow cruiser's boat card














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