Lindenberg 28

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Racing Fast Lane in 2005

I was still dating Rob and we were still flying back and forth between Melbourne and Pittsburgh every 3-4 weeks.

By now I had quit spending much money on Fast Lane, and because I was missing a lot of the feeder races (like the Rum Races), and there were now 5 L28's racing, I was scratching for crew all the time.  It's not nearly as much fun racing with green crew as it is when you have a good crew that knows what to do.  The high points were of course the Women's Races, where my 'old' crew turned up for every race, and we did very well.

MYC Spring Regatta - 3rd of 5 in the L28 Class

ECSA Spring River Race Series - 4th of 8

IRYC Brevard Challenge - 2nd of 4

ECSA Spring Women's Series - 1st of 5

ECSA Summer River Race Series - 5th of 8 boats

MYC Mermaid - 2nd Place (behind a Melges 24)

Mermaid Sunfish Race - 6th of 15 entrants

MYC Fall Regatta - 6th out of 10 entrants

ECSA Fall River Race Series - 4th of 6

ECSA River Challenge - 3rd of 6

IRYC Race of Champions - 3rd of 6

ECSA Spring Women's Series - 1st of 7

In the Spring of 2005, I started talking with Phil Scalise about partnership in Fast Lane.  He was interested in having a boat he could race in the Melbourne area on the river, and I was interested in someone to help with maintenance and to share in expenses.

When Phil got back to town late in the Fall, he and I finalized a deal that gave Phil and Will Garvey each a 1/3 share in Fast Lane, with the plan to sell the final third at the end of 2006.  I just wanted to keep racing for one more year.

Phil thought he knew everything about sailing and thought he'd be kicking ass in Fast Lane straight off.  But he learned the same way the rest of us learned... it's a very racy boat in a very competitive class, and it ain't as easy as it looks.











