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Last Updated: 25-May-2022

We installed a new LifePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) battery system in late 2020.  Because of the peculiarities of properly charging and discharging Lithium Batteries, a critical part of our system is an Electrodacus Battery Management System (BMS).

Electrodacus SBMS0

This page provides a place to put Electrodacus BMS-specific information where others can get to it easily.

For specific info on our installation, see our Electrical Systems Page (new LifePO4 Install Section coming soon!)

If you are a new Electrodacus User, here are some resources to help you get started.

The Official Electrodacus User Manual v03d

The current Electrodacus User Manual does not have logical bookmarks in the PDF file.  I have bookmarked my copy so you can jump to section by section name.

The Official Electrodacus User Manual v03d - With Topical Bookmarks.pdf

An Electrodacus user-generated Beginner's Guide to help others get started.

Beginner's Guide to Electrodacus by Oberon Robinson (v0.6)

Here is a Compilation of our notes about the Electrodacus system compiled from various sources as we were trying to decide which BMS to buy and what we needed to implement it on our boat.  Not all sources actually know what they are talking about.  This has not been reviewed, but may have helpful tidbits--it will at least help you understand what questions to ask.  (Most of this has been folded into the "Beginner's Guide" above.

Soggy Paws Notes on Electrodacus SBMS

Here are Sherry's notes on getting Node-Red monitoring going on a Windows Computer using Node-Red and mosquitto MQTT.

Electrodacus MQTT & Node-Red Getting Started Guide

What our current monitoring screen looks like (click on the picture for an enlarged copy):

Node Red Screen in Operation

I have separate detail pages for each alternator controller and the solar charger.  The solar is our main charge source.  The alternators are only turned on if we need extra charging, and we are already running the engines.

External Reference Links specific to Electrodacus

Electrodacus Website   Electrodacus Youtube Channel

Electrodacus Google Group

DIY Solar Forum / Electrodacus I/O Summary Chart
if this is missing or inaccessible, here's a copy I saved

DIY Solar Forum / Electrodacus Thread

David Burton's Recap of his LifePO4 System Explorations

YouTube Links specific to Electrodacus

Will Prowse: Electrodacus -Open Source- Solar Battery Management System: Introduction and Setup

Bussed_As NZ: LifePO4 Electrodacus SBMS0 Installation

General LifePO4 Reading Material












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